Enterprise Mobile Apps DevelopmentElevate your company brand to the next level with mobile app
Android, iOS 8, Windows, Phonegap, Appcelerator
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iPhone DevelopmentElevate your company brand to the next level with iPhone app
iOS 8, OS X, Swift, iPhone SDK, Cocoa
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Android Phone DevelopmentAndroid is fast powerful and easy. Read More


Windows Phone DevelopmentIncrease productivity with windows Apps Read More


Phonegap ApplicationsIncrease productivity with Phonegap Apps on multi platform Read More


Appcelerator TitaniumIncrease productivity with Titanium Apps on multi platform Read More


Xamarin Hybrid DevelopmentIncrease productivity with Xamarin Apps on multi platform Read More


Mobile IronIncrease productivity with Hybrid Apps on multi platform Read More

mobile iron

AirWatchIncrease productivity with Hybrid Apps on multi platform Read More


Enterprise Mobile Apps

We understand the enterprise mobile marketplace and have built best-in-class cross platform applications that increase multi-channel revenue opportunities for our clients.

Build applications that are scalable and flexible with enterprise level security.

coonect enterprise

Connect your applications with any OS, device (smart phone wearables, Internet of Things, BYOD) using any data source.

enterprise statistics

Make your applications smart enough to provide you with insights in to customer experience, customer loyalty and market reach.

enterprise management

Manage your applications on the cloud cost-effectively.

We enable our clients to define comprehensive mobile strategy customized to business requirements for faster ROI. This involves clear understanding of customer expectations, mobile UX design, technical architecture, choice of technologies/frameworks, development, scalability and mobile functionality roadmap.

Security is of paramount importance to us when it comes to building enterprise mobile applications especially as more and more users are increasingly using smart phones for business.

Enterprise Mobility will enable companies to increase sales, get faster ROI and operate efficiently.

Our Service Offerings

Enterprise Mobile apps development

Enterprise Mobile apps development

Rize has over 10 years of experience developing enterprise web and mobile applications to the consumer and enterprise customers. We are at the forefront in building competencies working on niche technologies with everything mobile.

Mobile Application Management

Mobile Application Management

Rize provides Mobile application management services on any device customized to client requirements from enhancing user experience to developing new features, updating new versions, managing security, sharing data, distributing apps.

Mobile Content Management

Mobile Content Management

Rize provides Mobile Content Management services to clients to manage data across cross platform applications and devices for accessing, managing and sharing content with encryption and data protection features. This will enable employees to securely access and share documents.

Mobile Device Management

Mobile Device Management

Rize Mobile Device Management services helps clients to manage complex heterogeneous mobile infrastructure complying to specific needs of corporate IT environments, policies and access controls.

And more than anything, the experience you can trust.