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Digital Media

Digital Media

We provide complete Solutions for Media, PR and Publishing companies.

DIGITAL Transformation

Services: (Towards DIGITAL Transformation)

  • Interactive Application development Services (Angular, React, Java, PHP, MEAN).
  • Mobile/Cross-platform apps development (iOS, Android, Windows).
  • Cloud apps development and integration (Azure, AWS, Office365).
Analytics and Cloud

Solutions: SMAC (Social, Media, Analytics and Cloud)

  • News, Online Media, Social Media, Advertising and Classified apps.
  • DIGITAL engagement solutions for TV, Online Media & Adv companies.
  • TV Viewership, Loyalty, Social and Sentimental Analysis Apps.
  • Content Management Systems based on Wordpress, Drupal, Sitefinity.
  • Social media integration, Analytics, SEO and SMM solutions.
Social Media


  • We connect Social Media, Listen (Trends, Aggregation), Monitor (Insights, Responses) and Analyze (data, Metrics, Analytics).
  • Build High Performance, Scalable, next generation technologies (Angular, React, MEAN), Scalable DB (Big data), Mobile and Cloud technologies.
  • Deliver cost-effective services through our Global delivery centers in India, US and Australia as Technology partner.