Developer as a Service

Developer as a Service

Providing talented developers as an extension of your business.

Rize is your technology partner to power the application and database development needs of your company's projects.

  • Hire top talent on-demand.
  • Works full-time in a secure real development environment.
  • Reports directly to your teams through live communication and collaboration.
  • Flexible monthly subscription or on a Pay-as-you-go pricing model..
  • QA tested with no additional cost overheads

With Rize, you can convert your innovative ideas in to successful business models.

  • Many clients we work with are venture funded with high degree of success.
  • You can rapidly scale teams on diverse technologies with focus on efficiency and cost optimization.
  • Our developers are software prodigies who work on latest technologies.
  • We are agile and always up-to-date in technology and innovation.
  • Developers are monitored by competent project managers and project heads.

Our Valuable Clients

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And more than anything, the experience you can trust.