CROSS PLATFORM DEVELOPMENTIncrease productivity with Hybrid Apps on multi platform Our workContact us

cross platform app development

Cross Platform Apps Development

At Rize, we design apps that power the Cross Platform OS (Android, iOS, Windows), devices (Mobiles, tablets, laptops, desktops) and Internet of Things (IoT).

We are a company with comprehensive understanding of the mobile app development eco-system.

Success of mobile apps depends on speed of performance, customer engagement, conversion and analytics.

  • Develop apps using industry leading frameworks that runs on Android, iOS and Windows platforms with out a compromise on native capabilities.
  • Create high performance apps based on Ionic, Xamarin and React Native frameworks.
  • Make it extremely easy to develop, deploy and rapidly scale applications on the cloud.
  • Increase productivity and efficiency with our hassle free support at a very low cost of maintenance.


  • Cost-effective as building apps for each device (iPhone, Android, Windows mobile) is expensive.
  • Faster ROI as it’s relatively easy to develop and deploy apps with built in components.
  • Stable as these are based on standards based web technologies.
  • Proven and tested as thousands of applications are available in mobile apps stores.
  • Less maintenance compared to the cost of maintaining multiple native apps.

As a specialist mobile apps development company, Rize has years of experience building apps on iOS, Android and Windows platforms. We have worked on building awesome projects for the enterprise clients based on Phone gap, Appcelerator titanium, Xamarin and other Cross Platform applications.

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Cross Platform Game Development


With ionic, its easy to develop mobile apps that works on Android, iOS and Progressive Web Apps.

Angular with ionic offers a compelling value proposition to build dynamic mobile apps and mobile web apps.

Android Development


Build native Android, iOS and Windows apps with Xamarin framework.

Xamarin is based on C# and is the best choice for .Net developers to create native like user experience and performance.

Hybrid App Development

PhoneGap development

Rize has worked on enterprise Cross Platform applications based on PhoneGap with high degree of success. We have a team of experienced professional mobile apps developers who has complete understanding of the PhoneGap development environment.